Summertime and the Living is Easy! I know you all are making your summer plans – maybe some beach getaways, trips to cool off in the mountains, a trip abroad or maybe just some relaxing time at home with a “staycation”. Whatever you have in mind, I hope it’s fun, safe and memorable. A couple […]
MAY Thoughts, Tips and FUN Things To Do!
Let The MAY Festivities Begin!!! East Atlanta Beer Fest on Saturday, May 19th * PawFest 2018 at Briscoe Park * Saturday, May 19th * Grant Park Tour of Homes * Saturday, May 19th and Sunday May 20th * The Atlanta Cycling Festival * May 19th through May 25th * AND MY […]
Spring has Sprung!
It’s April and that means there are a lot of new things in the air! It’s the season of change and renewal. Atlanta has experienced some pretty crazy weather with some very warm days only to be followed by near freezing overnight temps – it’s been a roller coaster. But, we’re finally getting there with […]
REALTOR® Toni Itkin Launches New Website

I’m so excited to announce the launch of my new website and just in time for the Spring market! The name is the same — TONIITKIN.COM — but it’s got a whole new look and feel with the latest technology. It is state of the art, and, of, course, mobile friendly. You’ll be able to find […]