4233 Pleasant Hill Road

Duluth, GA 30096


The property is conveniently located within 5-10 minutes from hospital, post office, public library, restaurants, professional services, and retail businesses. The property is ideal for an office of medical, dental, insurance, law, tutoring classes, and other professional services. The property has been newly painted inside and out, installed new carpets, and new maintenance free insulated windows for the entire building. First floor consist of 2 suites divided by a foyer in the middle. Each suite consist of approximately 1300 sf and each suite has a common area/ waiting area, break room, restroom and 4 rooms. Second floor has about 2600 sf space which consists of a big waiting area, conference room/ break room, 2 restrooms, and 7 rooms and a storage. Minimum Credit score of 720 is required for the applicant(s). The rent amount is $18/sf which comes out to: 1st floor Suite 100: $2000, ,Suite 110:$1900, 2nd floor: $3,900 per month. The suite 100 is no longer available for rent. Just rented as of 12/1/2024.

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